The Centaurian Gate of Knowledge!

(picture: Centaurs & Lapiths - courtesy of British National Museum [Parthenon gallery], London UK)

...a single authoritative source for Science, Economics, Technology and the New Age...

Origin of inspiration: Οι Κένταυροι - The Centaurs

Origin of force: Πήλιο, το Βουνό των Κενταύρων - Pelion, Mountain of The Centaurs

Centaurian search engine...

Friday 8 January 2010


Δημοσιεύεται στο 8.1.2010

Κύριοι του Ελληνικού Κράτους


και μετά απαιτείστε

από τους πολίτες

Αξιότιμοι κύριοι/κυρίες,

Η περίπτωση της ΕΡΤ, και των αμοιβών των κύριων στελεχών της καθώς και το σύνολο των εργαζομένων που απασχολεί (>άνω των 2.500 χιλ) αποτελεί κακή εφαρμογή πολιτικής.

Τον τελευταίο καιρό, επικρατεί έντονος κοινωνικός αναβρασμός και μεγάλος θυμός μεταξύ των μεσαίων στρωμάτων (νέων κυρίως ανθρώπών), όπου θεωρώ και ότι ανήκω, σχετικά με παρόμοιες περιπτώσεις αμοιβών στον δημόσιο τομέα. Για του λόγου το αληθές, παραθέτω παρακάτω και τους σχετικούς διαδικτυακούς κόμβους όπου έχουν δημοσιευθεί σχετικές πληροφορίες (αναλυτικά με στοιχεία αμοιβών/πρόσωπα/οργανισμούς κλπ) καθώς και σχόλια επωνύμων και μη αλλά και μεγάλα δημοσιεύματα εφημερίδων ή άλλων μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης, όπως κάτωθι:\

Τα παραπάνω μέσα, αποτελούν μερικά εκ του συνόλου καθώς επίσης παρουσιάζουν τμήμα της συζήτησης που υπάρχει σχετικά με το θέμα. Εϊναι προφανές, ότι ένας λογικά σκεπτόμενος άνθρωπος δεν μπορεί να αποδεχθεί προτάσεις τύπου:

1) αύξηση φορολογικών βαρών στον απλό πολίτη
2) απόκτηση φορολογικής συνείδησης (συλλογή αποδείξεων κλπ)
3) αύξηση κινήτρων παραμονής στην εργασία
4) μείωση επιπέδου ζωής με άμεσα/έμμεσα μέτρα οικονομικής/κοινωνικής πολιτικής
5) αβεβαίοτητα στο εργασιακό και οικογενειακό περιβάλλον
6) τις χαμηλότερες αμοιβές ανά ειδικότητα (με βάση τα τυπικά/ουσιαστικά προσόντα) στην Ε.Ε. και την συνεχιζόμενη πίεση (πάγωμα μισθών) των εισοδημάτων.

Για να επιτευχθούν τα παραπάνω και να πειθαρχήσουν οι απλοί Έλληνες, ώστε να βγει η χώρα από το παρόν οικονομικό/κοινωνικό/πολιτισμικό "τέλμα" στο οποίο έχει περιέρθει, πρέπει να γίνει το εξής απλό:


("να συμμαζέψει τα έξοδα της")

("κίνητρα για νέες επενδύσεις/δημιουργία νέων δουλειών")

με απτά / απλά / κατανοητά παραδείγματα προς τον Έλληνα πολίτη και όχι μέτρα μεσο-μακροπρόθεσμου χαρακτήρα.

Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση, αναμείνατε έντονες κοινωνικές αντιδράσεις καθώς και δραματική πτώση του επιπέδου διαβίωσης για την πλειοψηφία της Ελληνικής κοινωνίας, με όποιες συνέπειες για την συνοχή του κράτους και της διαφύλαξης του Δημοκρατικού πολιτεύματος.

Με εκτίμηση,
The Great Centaur Pileas

Δημοσιεύεται στο


Mars, Alpha Centauri or a trip to your dream Earth place?

The ultimate truth (lie): "Man belongs to the universe"

"Will man ever be able to travel such long distances over space and master time?"

Answers have been given from one great man, Albert Einstein. His unsurpassed theories of relativity, although ahead of his time, can only be tested with the technological means of the future. Not a single current technology of man can really perform what A.Einstein has expressed in his famous words on"bending time".

The famous equation E=mc2 (square) has been the foundation of the light speed measurement (300,000 km/sec or to be more precise 299,792,458 meters/second) system (also called as the upper limit of speed measurement = nothing travels faster than light!) where modern astronomy, physics even science fiction (industry) is based on to make calculations, illustrations, hypotheses and eventually money. Light speed, in other words, is the "measure" or in Greek the "metron" (μέτρον) with which man comprehends, observes and test all assumptions made from modern science.

Just to make myself and others more familiar with the light year definition: A light year is used from scientists to measure, among other things, distance for very distant objects in space. One (1) light year, is the actual distance, one will cover, if he/she travells with the speed of light (299,792,458 meters/second) for 1 full Julian year.

Just to make some calculations:

1 Julian year = 365.25 days = 8,766 hours = 31,557,600 seconds
=> 31,557,600 sec x 299,792,458 m = 9,46073 *10x15 power m
or a little bit below 10 trillion km = 1 light year travelling

Though our current subject has to do with whether man can really fulfill it's destiny and travel far away into outer space. My dear reader, based on current technology rest assured that even for interstellar flights (travelling between different solar systems) this is impossible. Safe estimations put this feasible in maybe 1000 to 1500 years time, to be optimistic.

The reason behind why man cannot make either interstellar or intergalactic flights: scarcity of R E S O U R C E S + Τ Ι Μ Ε limitations. Let me explain myself:

1) there are not enough fuels, on this planet, for one to travel a mere light year, not to talk about several more to the nearest (4.2421 light years) star Alpha Centauri (and to a possibility of an earth-like life).
2) inter-galactic travelling is out of the questions mainly due to time problems. It takes too much time to travel, let's say for example from our "Milky Way" galaxy to the nearest "Andromeda" galaxy (named after the Greek princess Andromeda [Ανδρομέδα]) which is only 2,5 millions light years away! Not to talk about travelling somewhere else!
3) Faster Than Light (FTL) travelling is not excluded from the theory of general relativity. Of course here we have the basic hypothesis where there might be particles called "tachyons" from the Greek word "ταχύς" which means swift, that might travel in certain space areas undistorted from gravitational forces faster than light. Will man once master these particles, for own benefit?
4) Wormhole travelling, hm.... yes! of course I accept this physical phenomenon but it is slightly different from the fact that these phenomenas can serve man with his trips to the universe. Their main problem: very unstable (if not created at all!)

Last but not least: T I M E constraints on the traveller or "Einstein's Twin paradox". Imagine 2 twin brothers (Captain Ein and Officer Stein). Captain Ein is our space traveller and Officer Stein our Earth observer. Captain Ein is set to travel to Alpha Centauri, our nearest star (4,24 light years), his age at the start of the travel is 25 (the same with his brother Officer Stein!). Captain Ein takes off from Earth, hitting 99.99% the speed of light, headed to Alpha Centauri. He needs a little over 4 months, earth time, to reach Alpha Centauri and by the time he lands there he is 25 years + 4 months year old. Can you guess how old is his brother (Officer Stein)? ....guess harder....he is close to 49 years old.

If we were to travel to more distance stars, say to star Alnilam - 1,340 light years away from Earth - then Captain Ein would have needed a lifetime (he would be +70 years old when he would have landed there) and his brother would be history! (his Earth age would be 3,225 years old....).

Of course, the twin paradox is backed up with Doppler's time dilation theory (using advanced mathematics) which basically take Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, one step futher and make it useful to understand things better. It's hard to think how time can affect man's biological clock! Isn'it?

Afterall, time is running differently depending on how fast you travel!

So, why better not book tickets for this place we talked about, with the exotic cocktails and this magnificent sunny beach? We better hurry, because I (we) don't have a lifetime to spend wondering!

A link to one of the best, self-explicable articles on "Twin Paradox":

Thursday 7 January 2010

Are Greeks bad in economics or do we miss the picture?

"Economy": word originated from the greek "οικονομία", has two parts: eco (οίκος) = house + nomos (-νόμος) = law order. Its meaning basically is to keep "one's houses affairs in (law) order" as it is with economics!

In 2007, when everybody was talking about the growing global economy(+2-3% average) while at the same time fears over oil prices (remember: +140$ / barrel) and how this can significantly slow down global economy, a pertinuous questions swingled to everybody's mind "Are oil producers running things, afterall, or are we (governments/financial institutions/multinationals)?"

The answer to this question, is actually multi-fold. Imagine, for one moment, oil out of the global picture and then yourself in this new picture....Oh yes, I can understand your frustration!

I am not going to make a historic presentation of events (sociological, political, economical) over the last 3 (and many more) years, but the picture is very clear to my mind and it comprises of the following basic mega-trends:

Global economy is comprising of three (3) main categories:
1.1 Developed (G-8, Scandics, Australia)
1.2 Developing (most of Asia, Europe, S.America, central America, S.Africa)
1.3 Under-developed (Africa, parts of Europe, S.America, Asia)

Developed nations have reached a certain level, above of which any development is costly and requires the majority of natural resources to sustain. "Green technology/revolution" is far away from being the pillar to support "space revolution" where modern views of development adhere to. Other technological developments such as nuclear, fusion, hydrogen have better chance to help them take the step further.

Developing nations, and especially China and India, gradually demand their presence in the global podium of wellnes, development, life quality and all other areas of life where developed nations already have reached and maintain. To my mind, this demand is both right as well as a historic challenge to all mankind. I will also give you another simple justification, which I am sure all will agree with and is based on an exaggeration/adoptation of Paretto's rule: "Do you find it fair that 15% of global population consumes 85% of earth's natural resources?" If you agree, then I fear for our future as a generation!

Under-developed nations are in a very difficult situation, where every aspect of their life is deteriorating and options for progress, in to our modern society, are very scarce and sometimes impossible. Their progression, to my understanding, is based on the "goodwill" of the developed ones.

War "business" continues to be very profitable, for those involved, and it will grow in the near future since it has to deal with new "enemies" of the state: R E S O U R C E S managed by 3rd parties (not us!!!). Future warfare will not has to do with terrorism (as we know it) but with oil, food, water and land (learning from history).

Food supply needs, for the growing population (by 2020: +9 Billion) have to be met over a land which is under competition for a series of uses: domestic, energy, touristic, over-exploitation etc.

Just to summarise, a few of those that cross my mind.

Coming back to my country's recent economic affairs, I will be brief. Lately, too much fuss is happening about Greece's economy. Is Greece defaulting? How will Greece survive out of this economic crisis? Are other EU member states ready to help Greece?. All these questions, are based on news media posts (which I give you at the end of this post, for your information) and are the centre of discussions to Greek everyday life. I will summarise for you, my views on the matter:

1) Yes it is true that we spend more than we can afford

2) Yes it is true that we owe more than we can payout

3) Yes it is true that we have a big and disfunctional state

4) Yes it is true that there is corruption and beauracracy

5) Yes it is true that we cannot grow as much as the rest of the developing countries

6) Yes it is true that we have a high unemployment rate

....I can go on and on....

My next question is this: Can you name one country, out of the developing ones, that does not face these problems? What is the rest of the world doing for it's future?

Here is the list of important readings, over Greece's economic crisis:








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